Driving STEM Challenges introduce students to data-driven problem-solving strategies based on math modeling through the excitement of racing. Students own a motorsports team that strives to engineer performance on the track, in research & development (R&D), and in the team’s “board room”. Their core technology is an electric, radio-controlled (RC) car that is easy for young learners to operate in a classroom setting. With building materials and an innovative mindset, Driving STEM teams optimize how, and how well vehicles operate and deliver.
Driving STEM Camps
Base Kits
4-Car Base Camp Kit for 16-20 Kids
- INCLUDES Engineering & Energy Lessons
- INCLUDES Web Training Session
- INCLUDES 1st Year Camp License
- FREE Shipping for one 4-Car Base Kit
- INCLUDES Camp Agendas for 1 Session over 5 Days, 5 Full Days, and Customizable Scheduling Options to Fit Your Needs
Materials are reusable. Kits are evergreen!
First Year License for Camps INCLUDED.
Driving STEM Grades 3-5 Base Kits Include:
- 4 RC cars and controllers
- 2 reusable battery chargers
- 4 digital scales
- 4 stopwatches
- 4 spring scales
- 4 measuring tapes
- Download Educator's Guide and Challenge Files
- Web Based Training Included
- Student Logbooks and Printable Inserts
- Video Intro Files & STEM Career Interviews
- Presentations for Whiteboard
- Weights, Tapes, & Investigation Materials
- Online Lessons & Activities Resource Bank
Order kits based on 3-4 person student teams for each RC vehicle. 5-6 kids CAN work as a team, but timing and materials will be limited. Stick to 4-person teams if possible.
- All camp kits include a webinar training session for your team.
- All camp kits include Challenge Guides for 3 Grade Levels!
- YES, you can easily use the 5th grade challenge guide for middle school students as a summer math skills reinforcement or to introduce math modeling and data driven decision making to develop problem solving for algebra.
2 Car Station: $540 (you supply tape and weights)
(Best Value) 4 Car Base Kit: $1,095 includes all materials shown plus shipping
6 Car Camp Kit: $2,475 for Large Groups & Multiple Ongoing Camps
Driving STEM is research-based and standards-focused. Federally funded grant studies show significant and long-lasting improvement in math and problem-solving skills for students that use Driving STEM. See the extensive standards correlations and case studies for Driving STEM HERE. Read the "scalable and exemplary" status from West Ed Research and Change the Equation HERE.