About STEAMstart: K-4 Engineering Design

Engineering Design for Elementary


Quick focus investigations lead to optional long-range projects. 
Plans address a wide range of skillsets and learning levels.
Start with stories and characters that jumpstart discussion and brainstorming.  Follow a tried-and-true design process used by real STEM professionals.
sample biodome bees web page


Blended learning options give you the freedom to learn together or at home.  Materials are easy to source from recyclables,
but Classroom and Camp kits are also available for purchase.


Projects are simple to launch and easy to understand, with the possibility for endless redesign as math skills and scientific observations contribute new ideas.
kids build cube house with pyramid roofprisms & polygons houserhomboid structures


The basic tools of data collection are easy to use and reinforce math skills. STEAMstart Camps include MindBugs in Measurement Activity Guides:
  • build numeracy and basic skills
  • recognize patterns
  • measure elapsed time, length, weight, and distance
  • represent data on interactive graphs and charts
  • analyze data for problem-solving

    Let's launch your amazing STEAMstart program right now!

    Are you ready to help students get cozy with using math and science to make decisions?  We support you every step of the way with videos, tutorials, sample design image banks, and planning materials for home, camp, or classroom. 

    video introstudent logbook pagesassessments

    1: Choose Units or Individual Design Projects

    This example outlines the BioDome Bees Unit:

    biodome bees breakdown
    2.  Collect your materials or add a materials kit.
    creativity kit contentsengineering kit contents

    3. Will you add a blended learning digital option that travels with students?

    Download purchased digital files to get STEAMstarted ASAP!

    Access Blended Learning Workshops Online Immediately

    Access Digital Files Immediately

    Materials Kits Arrive in 2-4 Weeks

    Orders may be delayed during Covid19 quarantine. Place orders now.


    Are you looking for a complete K-1-2 curriculum?

    Consider STEAMstart's FULL STEAM AHEAD

    If you are looking for a full YEAR of awesome STEAM for Kindergarten through 2nd grade, check out the STEAMstart Full STEAM Ahead Package. Kits, student logbooks, and educator planning materials arrive ready to launch your school year of STEAM challenges edited for the classroom.

    Includes 26 literacy intro readings (one for each investigation), 26 subject-focused lessons and activities, plus culminating Unit STEAMvestigations for each of 8 Units. Research driven and correlated to core math, ELA and engineering-science standards. The curriculum series was developed with classroom teachers in mind with emphasis on meeting and exceeding all classroom science standards with emphasis on literacy and math skills.